Unlce Clap Clap's Thrilling Dino Jokes!!!!

Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
A: Because chickens weren't invented yet.

Q: What sorty of music do dinosaurs listen to
A: Rock Music or Rap(tor) Music.

Q: Where do Jewish Sport's Dinosaurs play?
A: At the Jew Assics Park. (Assics make sport shoes).

Q: Did you here about the Velociraptor who fell over the tree root?
A: She got a Dino saw leg.

Q: Did you know the dinosaurs died because they were not polite?
A: It's true, they couldn't use 'please'...they got stuck on 'taa'.

Q: What did the caveman say to the dinosaur?
A: Ug. I'll see if I can find out more.